Audit & Assurance

At Al Marzaan we have decades of experience as audit specialists and have provided assurance in growing businesses of all sizes over the years. The basis of good corporate governance is having the financial accounts audited on a periodic basis in accordance with internationally accepted standards.

Our audit and assurance services are in agreement with international standards such as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the presentation of financial statements, and are based on our in-depth understanding of the International Standards on Auditing (ISA). These assurance services ensure compliance with local statutory requirements as well as internal reporting to the stakeholders of your business. As all relationships are tailored to your specific needs, the potential to maximise growth is realised by adopting the right technology, as well as the associated practices for you.

In addition to statutory audits, we provide essential service of the assurance function – internal audits directed towards risk assessment and risk management.The analysis of the existing way of doing business across various functions, the risks attached to them, and mitigating those risks in a prevention-is-better-than-cure style, encompasses our approach towards the internal audit.